Fashion Buying Department Career Route, Information & Required Skills
Fashion Buying
Fashion Buying is all about getting the right product for the
customer. Fashion Buyers focus on meeting customer’s needs through
developing ranges, sourcing and driving product forward, negotiating
cost prices, predicting what the customer will want to wear next and
developing strong relationships with your suppliers. Fashion Buying works closely
with Fashion Merchandising to plan the season and react to current trading.
Fashion Designers and Fashion Technologists play a key role in the Fashion Buying process,
presenting information on future trends and assuring the product’s
quality standards.
What skills you will need to be a fashion buyer
To make sure your product is right for the Mainstream
man, you will need to have creative flair, be passionate about fashion
and have an understanding of how to adapt trends to suit our quiet and
loud customers. Interpersonal and communication skills are key to ensure
that all departments work together to drive product forward season
after season. Fashion Buying offers exciting and rewarding roles where you can
see the results of your daily work on every high street.
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