Indirect System of Yarn Numbering and Calculation


Indirect System of Yarn Numbering and Calculation

Indirect or Fixed System of Count: 
In this system the count of yarn expresses the number of length units in one weight unit. Higher the count finer is the yarn. This system is generally used for cotton, worsted, woolen, linen (wet spun), etc 

The indirect system covers the majority of the important types of yarns. The count is based on the number of length units in one weight unit. Thus if 20 length units weigh one weight unit, its\count is 20’s : if 80 length units weigh one weight unit, its count is 80’s and so on. It may be noted that finer or less bulky the yarn, higher is its count number or in other words, the size or bulkiness of the yarn is inversely proportional to the count number and that is why the system is known as indirect system.

The disadvantages of this system are that the count number does not express directly the size of the yarn. As explained above a coarse or bulky yarn will have a smaller count number than a finer or less bulky yarn. Secondly when calculating counts of folded yarns, it is more difficult to calculate the resultant count, especially when the component threads are different counts. The advantage of this system is the comparative ease with which the weight of fabrics can be calculated. The twist of yarn, setting of cloth, etc. , can be more easily calculated as they are directly proportional to the square root of the counts of the yarn.

The table shows the different length and weight units used in important indirect systems. 
Name of System
Unit of Weight
Unit of Length
English Cotton
1 lb
Hank of 840 yards
French Cotton
1 kg
Hank of 1000 meters.
Bump Cotton
1 oz
1 yard.
Decimal (for all yarns)
1 lb
Hank of 1000 yards.
1 kg
Hank of 1000 meters.
Spun Silk
1 lb
Hank of 840 yards.
Spun rayon staple fibres
1 lb
Hank of 840 yards.
1 lb
Hank of 560 yards.
Linen ( Wet spun)
1 lb
Lea of 300 yards.
Hemp (fine)
1 lb
Lea of 300 yards.
Woolen- Yorkshire Skein
6 lbs
Skein of 1536 yards.
Woolen- American Cut
1 lb
Cut of 300 yards
Woolen- American Run
1 oz
Run of 100 yards
Woolen- Dewsbury
1 oz
1 yard
Woolen- Hawick
26 ozs
Cut of 300 yards
Woolen- Galashiels
24 ozs
Cut of 300 yards
Woolen- Alloa
24 lbs
Spyndle of 11520 yards
Woolen-West of England
1 lb
Snap of 320 yards
Asbestos- British
1 lb
Hank of 50 yards
Asbestos - American
1 lb
Cut of 100 yards
Fiber Glass
1 lb
100 yards


In The indirect system, we have the following:- 

Count = Number of length units per weight unit 

                        Length in appropriate length unit 
Count= …………………………………………………      ……..(1) 
                   Weight in corresponding Weight Unit 

By cross multiplication, we have the following:- 

                Length in appropriate length unit 
Weight = ……………………………………………           …….(2) 

Length = Count  X  Weight in appropriate length unit             …….(3) 

It will be seen from the above that there are factors, vix., Count, length, weight, of which two must be given to find of the third one. 

English Cotton System- 

Count = No. of hanks of 840 yards weighing 1 lb. 

                Length in Hanks 
Count = …………………………                             ……………….. (1) 
                 Weight in lbs 

Again from the formula, 

                 Length in Hanks 
Count = ……………………………,  
                   Weight in lbs 
We have,

                   Length in yards/840 
Count = …………………………………                                  ……..(4) 
                Weight in grammes/7000 

        7000           Length in yards 
= ……………  X   ………………………                              ………(5) 
         840           Weight in grains 

= …………………………………………….                               …..(6) 
      Weight in grains of 1 lea of 120 yards 

          25               Length in yards 
= …………… X  ……………………………                       ………..(7) 
           3               Weight in grains 

                       Length in yards 
= 8.33 X   ………………………….                                           ……..(8) 
                      Weight in grains 

From (5) by cross multiplications, we have, 

                                  25                Length in yards 
Weight in grains = …………  X  ……………………                  ..…….(9) 
                                   3                      Count 

                                                Length in yards 
                            =   8.33  X   …………………….                    ……….(10) 

Or, Length in yds. = ………  X  Count  X  Weight in grains            ……..(11) 

The formula (6) is generally used in spinning mills, where a complete lea of 120 yards is reeled out from a bobbin, and tested for count, as well as for tensile strength. 

Example: If 240 yards of cotton yarn weight 40 grains, what is the count of the yarn? 
240 yards = …….……   hanks 

40 grain = ……….  Lbs 

                                     Length in hanks 
Therefore, Count = …………………………
                                      Weight in lbs 

           240 / 840 
= ……………………
           40 / 7000 

= 50’s Cotton 

Also directly applying formula (2), 

          Length in appropriate length unit 
= …………………………………………

                 7000 X 240 
Count = ……………………
                  840 X 40 

= 50’s Cotton 

Again Applying formula (7), 

      25             length in yards 
= ……… X ……………………
       3             weight in grains 

                  25               240 
Count = ………  X  ………………
                   3                 40 

= 50’s Cotton 

Example: Find the weight 270 yards of 60’s cotton yarn. 

270 yds.= …………...   hanks 

                                                            Length in Hanks 
Applying Formula , Weight in lbs. = ……………………… 
We have, 

                            Length in hanks 
Weight in lbs. = ………………………

= …………… lbs. 

          270 X 7000 
= …………………… grains 
          840 X 80 

= 37.5 grains 

Also directly applying, 

                                25                  length in yards 
Weight in grains = ………… X ……………………
                                 3                        count 

          25              270 
= …………  X ………… 
          3                 60 

= 37.5 grains (ANS)



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Textile Learning Platform: Indirect System of Yarn Numbering and Calculation
Indirect System of Yarn Numbering and Calculation
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